The Projects Contemporary Art Space, 523 NW 1 Avenue
ACID REFLUX Curated by Lisa Rockford
#acidreflux #fatvillageprojects #lisarockford
FREE Surrounding street parking, and behind building by railroad tracks
Cash bar with water, beer, & wine.
Follow FATVillage:
Facebook | @FATVillage1
Twitter | @FAT_Village
Instagram | @FatVillage
Follow curator FATVillage and Lisa Rockford:
Facebook | @rockfordprojects
Instagram | @nunsopink
IS Projects, 15 NW 5th Street
IS Projects Open House
At the IS Projects open house we'll have two of our presses inked up and ready for you to try! Learn a little bit about how letterpress printing works and why its so fun.
IS Projects is a collaborative print and book arts studio. This means that once you have learned how to use the equipment it is available for you to use on your own terms through hourly studio rental or artist
memberships. Our mission is to encourage artists to practice and perpetuate the craft while provide the work space and equipment necessary to do so.
Parking lot avilable across the alley, and metered street parking.
#isprojects #nocturnalpress @isprojects #letterpress
Follow IS Projects:
Facebook | @ISprojects
World and Eye, 109 NW 5th Street
Modern Mystics
"Modern Mystics" is opening during Art Fall Out in anticipation of Halloween and Day of the Dead. Ancient traditions range from South America to Celtic Cultures. Spanning Christianity and Pagan beliefs, this time of the year brings out questions of the human condition. We explore fears of the unknown, our relationship to death and ancestors and what lies beyond the veil. What do contemporary artists have to say about it all? Come find out at World and Eye during Art Fall Out.
Follow World and Eye:
Facebook | @worldandeye
Open Studios
Cheryl Brown | 535 NW 1 Avenue
Patrons are invited to visit the artist's studio.
Janet Slom Studio | 117 NW 5 Street
Judith Schwab Studio / Studio B | 109 NW 5 Street
Francisco Sheaut & Julio Green Art Studio | 115 NW 5 Street
"The two elements of fire and water are both inspiration for artists Francisco Sheuat and Julio Green. Francisco Sheuat will show his new “Under Water Series” created with aluminum soda cans. Sheuat’s new pieces project a holographic-life feel as the embossing and distressing techniques applied to the aluminum. Julio Green will present his new collection titled ""Sky on Fire"" consisting of large-scale mixed media pieces on canvas capturing nature's summer storms of lightning and rain. "
Sri Prabha Studio, Mixed Media Artwork | 113 NW 5 Street
Meet Sri Prabha in his studio and talk to him about his latest works and projects. View and collect works directly from the artist. Sri is also open to accepting commissions.
#sriprabha @sriprabha @sriprabhaart
FREE Surrounding street parking, and behind building by railroad tracks
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